Samantha || Senior Portraits || Tunnel Springs Park

Senior sessions! We love working with our seniors, especially ones as beautiful as Samantha! Sam is our cute cousin and we were so happy she wanted us to photograph her. We headed to one of our favorite places, Tunnel Springs Park. Her outfits were so cute and went perfectly with the rolling hills. She headed off to Utah State this week and we wish her nothing but the best! College is so much fun and we always love hearing what our seniors plan on doing after High School. 

Steineke Family Session || White Space Studio, Bountiful, Utah

Dan and I both have known the Steineke family for some time and we were thrilled to be taking their family portraits. We decided on White Space Studio in Bountiful for thier location. Dan and I love shooting there because of the variety of indoor looks you can get from one place. 

This family is so much fun, I think we were laughing the entire session! You could tell they were all so happy to be together and it was special for us to be able to photograph them.