Sunderland Family Portraits || Bonneville Shoreline Trail || Farmington, Utah

We loved working with the Sunderland family this month! We decided to take them to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. This location was absolutely beautiful the night we were taking their photos. The light was coming through the trees and giving that warm light that we love in our work. Not to mention this family is so beautiful! One of the reasons we love our job so much is because we get the chance to meet new clients, families and couples. 

McRae Family Portraits || Tunnel Springs Park || North Salt Lake, Utah

The McRae Family!

What a fun, beautiful, and sweet family! We took the McRae's to one of our very favorite locations for their family portraits this past month. If you haven't been to Tunnel Springs Park it is absolutely beautiful with rolling hills, never-ending wheat fields, and the perfect view of sunset. 

This family had us laughing from the getgo. They were so full of life and so happy to be together. It was special for us to see them interact with one another. They are a beautiful family and we loved getting to capture these images for them!